Tuesday, April 8, 2008

So I started my wiki article on Kier Dillon a professional snowboarder. The only problem was I misspelled his name, it's Keir Dillon. So I copied my history from my old page, just in case it was needed, and put it down here. Then I just copied my whole edit page from KIer and made a new one with KEir. Wow so yeah heres my page... KEIR DILLON


Sea nettle Soup said...

You really need to take a look at your spelling (i.e. Pennsylvania) and grammar (i.e. 29-year-old is a compound modifier)-- I know it's boring, but it will make your article more professional and easier to read so that visitors to this information will focus on the info instead of who wrote the info-- does that make sense?

Definitely more subheadings, some links-- a photo, perhaps. History of his coming into snowboarding, etc. Competitions won-- as Rog said, highlights of his career. As he invented any moves, etc.?

Awesome idea-- never heard of this guy because I suck at snowboarding. Good luck with your house cleaning.

Jessica13 said...

good topic, it would be a lot more interesting if you had more writing instead of just lists, pick the most important info and sum it up. Theres some spelling errors and what not. And maybe put some more links to other wiki pages in there too.

WonderBunny said...

One of the things I noticed when comparing your article to another sports article is that there was a lot more personal information. Maybe a section with his snowboarding career and then other achievements. I think giving a few sentences and maybe highlighting the major events.

liquidthought said...

you could also link to his homepage, but if he doesn't have one then maybe the section of x-games and a couple of other credible sites for references.