Sunday, January 13, 2008

First blog

A blog can be many different things such as an online diary, commentary on news or a particular subject, or really anything the blogger feels free writing about.

I like the blog Although I would usually not go searching the internet for this type of blog, it caught my attention and I spent a good twenty minutes reading the posts, looking at pictures, and laughing. I also liked how the whole blog was set up with the yard violations with definitions on the right hand side of the page for reference. This blog is very unique and I definitely enjoyed it.

My favorite Web 2.0 application would have to be This application has tons of information and links on just about everything. I probably use this Web 2.0 app. more than any other because of how quick it can answer a question I am searching for.


Jessica13 said...

I like your profile colors....maybe you could add some pictures though to make things more exciting :-D

patrick said...

Good sites I think they're great.
maybe hypertext them though

Kevin said...

Good site, I like the blog you referred to.

WonderBunny said...

I wonder if my parents yard is pictured on It should be if not. Does it matter how long decorations are kept up? My parents still have theirs up. Ugh.